The word “Lemur” is Latin and means spirits of the night. Lemur is
a very intelligent primate. There are many different species of Lemurs
including Aye- Aye Lemur, Red Ruffled Lemur, Indri Lemur, Alatron Gentle Lemur,
Black, White Ruffled Lemur and Ring Tailed Lemur. Female Lemurs are dominant.
Lemur troops have one dominant female who leads the group, controls and has the
first choice of food and mates.
During mating season, Male Lemurs battle for dominance by trying
to outstink each other. Lemurs communicate through sound and smell. They make a
variety of sounds to communicate with each other. They are able to identify
family members through their scent. Lemurs can live up to 18-20 years.