Friday, March 6, 2015

Elementary Season 3 Episode 16 "For All You Know" – Recap and Review

Elementary Sherlock Holmes wearing scarf Oscar Rankin Season 3 Episode 16 For All You Know

Sherlock Holmes (Jonny Lee Miller) finds himself as the main suspect for the murder of Maria Gutierrez (Jessica Diaz). Detective Demps (Richard Brooks) and Detective McShane (Aaron Serotsky) are handling the investigation. They have a handwritten note from Sherlock that sets him up for a meeting with Maria on the day she disappeared.

Sherlock confesses to Joan Watson (Lucy Liu) that he was heavily addicted to drugs three years back after the supposed death of Irene Adler (Natalie Dormer). Sherlock reaches out to one of his former acquaintances, Oscar Rankin (Michael Weston). Oscar used to supply drugs to Sherlock during the period Maria was murdered.

Oscar believes that Sherlock had killed Maria and warns him to stay away. Joan tries to get some information from Maria's family members, but receives no help.

Sherlock meanwhile gets beaten up badly by two unidentified men on the street near his brownstone. Sherlock pickpockets the wallet of one of his attackers. The wallet identifies the man as Prentice Gutierrez (Felix Solis) who is the brother of the deceased Maria.

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Sherlock and Joan visit Prentice at his workplace. He is not co-operative at first, but Sherlock convinces him of his innocence. Prentice informs him that Maria was being harassed by a man just before her death.

Sherlock and Joan next talk to Councilman Robert Barclay (Gary Wilmes), at whose office Maria was working around the time of her death. He claims to be a fan of Sherlock's work and offers his complete assistance to the two detectives.

In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, Sherlock gets arrested. In desperation, Joan reaches out to Oscar. He shows Joan a blood stained shirt that was supposedly worn by Sherlock after killing Maria.

Sherlock deduces the identity of the killer based on the aforementioned shirt.

Joan Watson wearing winter coat jacket leggings gloves leg warmer snow boots in Elementary Season 3 Episode 16 For All You Know

Canonical References
1. Elementary Sherlock uses the following famous quote from The Sign of the Four: “How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth? ”

2. Sherlock getting attacked and beaten up severely by two men on the street - This is a bit tenuous, but reminded me of the original story: The Adventure of the Illustrious Client. In this story, Sherlock Holmes is physically assaulted by two men on the orders of Baron Adelbert Gruner. Stuart Townsend portrayed Del Gruner in the show.

Elementary Sherlock Holmes wearing scarf in Season 3 Episode 16 For All You Know

This was an OK episode. The resolution to the mystery was very weak.

Miller's Sherlock once again proves why he is so different from the Canonical Version. While talking to Oscar, he reveals that he used to have a lover. Of course, now and then we would have a scene showing Elementary Sherlock in bed with random women. The Canonical Holmes is very averse to the company of women.

Another point of interest: In the opening scene of the episode, Joan receives her client - a guitar player (Keira Keeley) who claims that someone has stolen her musical tune and composed a jingle out of it. This consulting session is interrupted by Sherlock's antics upstairs.

We never hear about this case or the client again in the episode. Some kind of resolution would have been great. 

Guest star Michael Weston however makes an impression as the quick talking Oscar Rankin. May be we will see more of Oscar in later episodes.

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Image Source: CBS Broadcasting, Inc.

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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Mr Holmes (2015) - Trailer

Ian McKellen aged elderly Sherlock Holmes 2015 movie Mr Holmes wallpaper image screenshot picture

The trailer for the latest Sherlock Holmes movie adaptation starring Ian McKellen (Lord of the Rings Trilogy, X-Men movies) as the titular character has been released.

The movie is based on Mitch Cullin's book: “A Slight Trick of the Mind. The pastiche focuses on an elderly Sherlock Holmes coming to terms with the physical frailties of old age.

McKellen is an actor with an uncanny ability to disappear into his roles, whether heroic or villainous in nature. I enjoyed his turn as the Master of Magnetism in the X-Men movies including the latest one, X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Equally absorbing are his performances as Gandalf the Grey/White in the Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit movies.

Supporting cast includes Laura Linney, Hiroyuki Sanada and John Sessions.

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Bill Condon has directed the movie. His previous efforts such as The Fifth Estate, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 have not been critically acclaimed, irrespective of their box office returns. On the plus side, he has already worked with McKellen on Gods and Monsters, a movie that featured the actor as the real life director, James Whale in his final days. Hope that this movie will enjoy both critical and commercial success.

The music is by Carter Burwell. Carter is well known for his frequent collaboration with The Coen Brothers, such as Burn After Reading, No Country for Old Men and Fargo. 

The trailer is OK. Most of the recent adaptations have heavily focused on Sherlock's supposed love life with Irene Adler. Even though Irene Adler is mentioned in only story (A Scandal in Bohemia) in the Canon, she has been an integral character, starting with the Guy Ritchie directed movies, followed by BBC Sherlock and now the latest Russian TV Series.

Hope the movie turns out better than being just another cash cow to capitalize on the hot streak enjoyed by Arthur Conan Doyle's iconic character. 

Click here to read all my posts about Sherlock Holmes.

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Image Source: Wikipedia

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Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron - Trailer

Avengers Age of Ultron Marvel movie poster image wallpaper picture robert downey jr marvel cinematic universe

The trailer for the upcoming movie, Avengers: Age of Ultron starring Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man is out. The ensemble cast includes Chris Evans as Steve Rogers/Captain America, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill, Mark Ruffalo as  Bruce Banner/The Hulk and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury. 

Joining the regular cast are James Spader (as the voice of Ultron), Elizabeth Olsen (as Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch) and Aaron Taylor-Johnson (as Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver).

This trailer hits the same notes as the trailer for the first Avengers movie: A young blonde lady looking out through the glass, followed by scenes of mass destruction and people running around in fear and of course the heroes coming to the rescue. There is even the shot of the lead characters banded together in the middle fighting a much larger group of enemies in a city environment.

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I guess Marvel's motto is: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The only interesting aspect in the trailer is character of The Vision introduced at the end of the trailer. As readers might be aware, The Vision is an android and a member of The Avengers group. He will be played by Paul Bettany in the movie.

Click here to read all my posts related to Marvel Comics. 

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Image Source: Wikipedia 

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Friday, February 20, 2015

Elementary Season 3 Episode 15 "When Your Number's Up" – Recap and Review

Elementary Sherlock Holmes Season 3 Episode 15 When Your Numbers Up

The post contains spoilers and readers who have not yet seen the episode are recommended to skip the review, if they wish to avoid plot details.

This week, Elementary surprises us with a Columbo-type mystery - the killer is revealed at the beginning and the rest of the episode is about how the killer is caught in the end by Sherlock Holmes (Jonny Lee Miller) and Joan Watson (Lucy Liu).

Dana Powell (Alicia Witt) has lost her husband, Nick in a crash involving a Aceway Airlines Flight 1059. In addition to Nick, there were 80 other victims. 

Dana intends to get a hefty payoff from the airlines. She kills two men, who have also lost their relatives in the same mishap. Her first victim is a homeless man, Henry (Moti Margolin). The second man to fall prey to Dana's machinations is Freddy Duncan (Jason Pendergraft).

After shooting both men at point blank range, she leaves cash near the corpses. Her aim is to draw attention to the crash victims and subject the airlines to compensate the crash victims' families.

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Dana tries to divert attention by leaving a quote at the crime scene. This quote is credited to Arlen Shrader (Michael Cumpsty), an attorney at Arlen Shrader and Associates. Arlen specializes in victim compensation. He in turn points the finger at another attorney, Erin Chatworth (Anastasia Barzee) with whom he had a brief affair. He dumped her in order to capitalize on the aforementioned air disaster.

Dana's sister, Penny (Maria Dizzia) also doubles up as her accountant. Penny informs Dana that she needs to make some payments urgently in order to retain her house.

Dana pretends to be the next target of the killer. She sets up a bullet shot through her house window.

As can be expected, Sherlock sees through the deception and works out the solution.

Canonical References
1. Sherlock mentions that Luc does not speak at all and goes on to mention how much this makes Luc such a good companion to him - In the Canon, Sherlock Holmes once complimented Dr John Watson: “You have a grand gift for silence, Watson. It makes you quite invaluable as a companion”

Elementary Sherlock Holmes Joan Watson crime scene investigation Season 3 Episode 15 When Your Numbers Up

The secondary subplot involves Joan's return to the brownstone. Sherlock tries to get her to reverse her decision. After a couple of discussions with him, Joan moves into the basement of the brownstone.

This was an OK episode. Only Alicia Witt managed to breathe some excitement into the episode. Her scene in the kitchen with Penny was fraught with tension.

Sherlock and Joan are their usual selves. Ditto for Detective Bell (Jon Michael Hill) and Captain Thomas Gregson (Aidan Quinn).

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Image Source: CBS Broadcasting, Inc.

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